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5 august 2015
Volgograd : IBG insured "Tekhnoavia - Volgograd "

Insurance agencies in Volgograd signed a contract with "Tekhnoavia - operate " under the program of property insurance of legal lits.Dlya maximum financial protection , a contract was signed for the full package of risks in relation to the goods , on four stores .

The sum insured was 32 000 000 .

8 july 2015
Ростов-на-Дону: IBG заключила коллективный договор страхования с ООО "Константиновскавтотранс"

Insurance agencies in the city of Rostov- on-Don was awarded a contract of insurance with " Konstantinovskavtotrans " program for collective insurance against accidents.

Today Ltd " Konstantinrvsktrans " provides a wide range of urban, suburban
Transport of passengers.
Insurance amounted to more than 440 000 000 rubles .
16 june 2015
Voronezh : IBG insured KU BO " Civil defense , civil protection and fire safety of the Voronezh region "

IBG has won the competition for the right to sign the agreement on the program of auto insurance with public institutions Voronezh region «Civil defense , civil protection and fire safety of the Voronezh region».

The institution was created on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Voronezh region , currently has 7 branches . Insurance amounted to 124 880 000,00 rubles .

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